Monday, December 27, 2010

Syllabus Draft Complete

Cool. I think I finished a draft of my syllabus for next semester's BUS 102 class. While updating the draft for this semester, I used the feedback from my previous students. The course reviews were very helpful. I am interested in seeing the reviews at the end of the next semester.

Next steps? Print and revise syllabus and module handouts (gotta double-check those due dates). I am meeting with the BUS 101 instructor on Wednesday to review how we can continue to integrate the 101 and 102 classes. Since concurrent registration is required, it makes sense that we try to leverage the material from the other class to some degree.

And I hear there's talk of integrating a COM 135 section with 101 and 102, so the students in 101, 102, and 135 would all be the same for a semester. Those students would really get to know one another. That integration won't happen until next fall.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Business Process Analyst

I think I've finally determined (at least for now) what I want to be when I grow up.

Earlier this week, I had a great time digging into a customer's process to understand why they do what they do and why they do what they do the way the do. I walked out of the office each day with my head spinning from all of the information, but the information started to fall into place as we continued our discussed and dug into the issues with the processes, rules, and user interfaces.

Thanks to the opportunities I have with managing some internal projects and working with our teams in India, I have not had time to do these requirements gathering and process analysis tasks for awhile. I love this stuff.


Friday, December 3, 2010


First, thank a teacher. They're job is not easy.

I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to teach a business writing class at Miami University. Getting ready for this one class takes more time than you would think, so I can only imagine how much time "real" teachers spend preparing for class. By no means do teachers have a simple 9-5 job.

This semester, I am going to introduce blogging into the class again. I used to include blogs in my Technical Writing class but didn't have the best results or participation. I'm going to give it another try and make the topics more focused. I'll report back on how things went.

OK, enough procrastination...time to get back to revising those assignments.
